NLP: Neuro Linguistic ProgrammingIn the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible, there’s talk of a time when God and “his Brothers” came down to confuse the language of Man. Man…Feb 10, 2024Feb 10, 2024
Common MiracleJust imagine for a moment, that every time you pray, God appears to have a conversation with you. Imagine that this happens to everybody…Feb 10, 2024Feb 10, 2024
IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTHAll that you have is your perception. There is NO objective truth. As the popular saying goes: “Nothing is either good or bad but thinking…Sep 14, 2023Sep 14, 2023
THE ALMIGHTY DOLLARThe belief in money as the ultimate metric for the quality of life is simply taken for granted and never questioned. And the assumption…Sep 28, 20211Sep 28, 20211
My TIIDElab experience in AugustAllow me to approach this like a chronicle. In the month of August, a number of note-worthy things happened. Please note that whatever does…Sep 13, 2021Sep 13, 2021
I CRIED ON THE 23RD OF JULYI do not consider myself to be an emotional person. I laugh at women when they weep while watching a movie, but I cried on the 23rd of July…Aug 8, 2021Aug 8, 2021
Hello worldHello World! Here I am; self-professed Introvert taking a plunge into the deep blue sea of public opinion. Please consider this my…Jul 23, 2021Jul 23, 2021
MY EXPERIENCE AT TIIDELAB PRE FELLOWSHIP FOR COHORT 3It has been a privilege to meet like-minded people. We all have at least one thing in common; we want to learn how to code. Many of us have…May 28, 2021May 28, 2021