Common Miracle

The Sphider
1 min readFeb 10, 2024


Just imagine for a moment, that every time you pray, God appears to have a conversation with you. Imagine that this happens to everybody. Imagine that you live in a world where this is normal. I think that people would lose all respect for God. Sometimes, he would appear and some women would give him the silent treatment. Some men would see him on the street and tell him to get out of the way so they can park their car. That’s what happens when a miracle occurs everyday. It loses its import.

Science has made so many impossible things possible, to the point that many believe that science would explain and predict everything given enough time. But even if we all agree that the universe came about through a Big Bang, there’s still the question of who exactly banged the hammer? In other words, where did the energy for the Big Bang come from? That’s where science admits: ‘Give us one free miracle and we will explain the rest’ Don’t ask about the Big Bang and we will explain everything that comes after.

Here, I want to demonstrate that science ALWAYS asks for one free miracle, no matter what the subject matter is. Take willpower for instance. This is the foundation upon which law and economics in human society is built. But when you decided to read this, how did you decide? at what point did you chose to decide to read this article? it’s an infinite regression. A bit like the question of ‘If God made the universe, who made God?’

