The Sphider
3 min readAug 8, 2021

I do not consider myself to be an emotional person. I laugh at women when they weep while watching a movie, but I cried on the 23rd of July 2021. This was the day that Kadir Salami the founder of TIIDELab gave a speech to the fellows of Cohort #3. I have been with TIIDELab since may, during which I emerged as “Most Outstanding participant” of the pre-fellowship.

A plaque of myself as the most outstanding participant of the pre-fellowship

To put it in simple terms, I was the best out of 1250 people. It was no small feat though, it cost me a lot…I do NOT recommend it. The only reason I decided to do it, was to earn an automatic slot into the actual Cohort#3.

On the 23rd of July, I was at home attending the weekly meet remotely via a mobile meeting platform called “Zoom”. Mr. shams; our coordinator (AKA BIG Brother) had just lectured us on problem solving. After this, the founder Kadir Salami entered the stage and told us his story of self-discovery.

Kadir Salami telling the story that moved me to tears

It was a story that runs parallel to mine; a story that moved me to tears- but unfortunately, I do not yet trust you enough to share my own story with you. Kadir Salami talked about the need to put oneself out there, the need to act in spite of fear, the necessity of effective communication and the role that the mistakes of others play in our lives (provided that we learn from them).

That week, I REALLY put myself out there and I saw quick results. I was invited to a Google meet by the CEO of a notable Nigerian Comic Company. We talked about the moral responsibility of the 21st century comic-artist to his immediate society. I proposed the use of graphic stories to depict deep truths about the fundamental nature of existence and the relationship between consciousness and material reality. (To learn more about this, try the keyword “Noetic Science” on Google.).

I learned a lot from my conversation with him as well. I learned about the structure of goals which drive the success of a comic company, the need to create a family-friendly product and avoidance of controversial issues especially during the start-up phase of a comic Company.

This exceptional visionary then advised me to put my story on a public “Medium”. You can find it among my medium articles. It is called “THE MIGHTS”.

Another achievement made possible by the information I got from the fellowship is the making of my business website (studysoft.netlify.app). An official website lends legitimacy to a business entity and I am grateful to everyone who made the Cohort 3 fellowship possible.

I also met a lot of interesting people on the Friday meetup. Some of them lived close to my area and we have been corresponding since then. I look forward to more and I know that even after graduating from this program, I will always be in touch with my favorite fellows from Cohort #3.

