All that you have is your perception. There is NO objective truth. As the popular saying goes: “Nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so!” There is something ‘meta’ about thought. The moment you begin to worry about something, the moment you ACKNOWLEDGE the worry, you solidify it into existence. In every moment, your attention -by biological necessity- is selective. But somehow, intentional selective attention (let’s call it ignore-ance) is scorned as cowardly by society, attracting ridicule via comparison to an ostrich with it’s head in the sand.
High intelligence often compels an organism to pursue truth obsessively but every sage who lives long enough eventually comes to know better. Truth exists only to run the universe like clockwork. Even in the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Life is distinct and separate from the Tree of Knowledge, as a matter of cosmic necessity: God knows that Truth does NOT support life! Now, you know too. Better late than never, right?
If you jump off a cliff, gravity will reacquaint you with the ground in a matter of seconds- that’s the truth…but you’d still be dead! Organisms that acquire Ultimate Truth, die soon thereafter; case in point- Adam and Eve after eating of the Tree of Knowledge. The brain does not exist to show you the truth of reality but to help you survive.
For sentient beings, hope, faith, self-belief, a sense of destiny are an absolute necessity. In fact, a whole host of distortions and ignore-ance is necessary for a good life.
Truth? Trust me, it’s highly overrated. It’s a luxury too costly to afford. I would gladly sell 50 off my I.Q points for a million dollars if it means I get to forget many an unpleasant truth! Past a certain point, additional intellect just increases your capacity for suffering. Life is more important than truth, utility is more important than truth. Telling the SIMPLE truth has gotten idealistic people in COMPLEX trouble and please don’t be naïve: knowing the Truth has never set ANYONE free!