My TIIDElab experience in August

The Sphider
3 min readSep 13, 2021

Allow me to approach this like a chronicle. In the month of August, a number of note-worthy things happened. Please note that whatever does not make it into my account of events isn’t frivolous. It might just be as a result of a blind man such as myself trying to describe an elephant via the sense of touch alone.

Our Coordinator Mr. Shamsudeen Aderoju taught us a number of things on the Team Building presentation; forming, storming, norming, performing. The “Storming” part became quite real to me in the month of August. The wide disparity between my reality and the way the majority thinks, was highlighted this month. I came out on the other side in one piece, though.

Also, the Founder of TIIDElab Mr. Kadir Salami visited us at Lagos for the first time since the Cohort 3 began. It was particularly fun to sit in Lagos and say the words; “Abuja! can you hear us?!” You may not understand that because it is an inside joke. However, If you happen to be in on the Joke, I bet my bottom dollar that you are giggling right now.

The Lagos Team really came through on hosting our August visitor. There was Abayomi Alabi; The Relentless Extrovert playing the role of Presenter and doing a wonderful job at it. There was Oyinlade Ojesanmi; The Orator who has a symbiotic relationship with the camera. Oyinlade delivered her recitations with elegance and grace. There was Adedayo; the wittiest man I have met till date keeping chaos at bay by intervening with charisma at opportune moments. And then there’s me, hiding in plain sight; in full view of the recipient as he looks around trying to find “The Sphider who made the artpiece”

Believe me when I say: I do NOT do it on purpose. I just mysteriously vanish from sight when I feel over-represented. I have Abayomi to thank for that by the way; he literally mentioned my name, my surname, my nickname and he probably would have dragged me by the ears and pulled me out of a hat, if I conveniently happened to be a rabbit! Welldone o, Abayomi! Be casting somebody at every opportunity you get you hear?! Well done!

I do NOT like overt limelight. Maybe when I die, My spirit can become a Watcher, like Uatu in the Marvel Universe. Come to think of it, our names even sound the same: Uatu…Fatiu…Hmm…What do you know? This is ironical because the major advice that I took from Mr. Kadir Salami’s first speech, was the need to become more visible to those who may require ones unique expertise. Well, my solution to that particular dilemma is to make my professional life as visible as possible and keep my personal life shrouded in Mystery.

I learned a lot in the Month of August and I know that as things progress to the more esoteric and complex aspects of Javascript, It will only get more demanding. I have set up my alarms and my timetables to give it all it takes in the month of September. Until the end of the month when I write again to give you the gist…Ciao

