NLP: Neuro Linguistic Programming

The Sphider
4 min readFeb 10, 2024

In the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible, there’s talk of a time when God and “his Brothers” came down to confuse the language of Man. Man has decided collectively to build a tower that would reach the heavens- Let us call it “PROJECT: SUMMIT”. This is a laughable pipe-dream, since heaven is NOT a physical place in the sky. Here’s the thing though; gods can see the far-reaching implications of things because they live very long. When the UNIVERSE was sharing the cake, the gods ate Eternity and left us the crumbs of time!

Speaking of time; because I am in my early Thirties, 10 years is one-third of ‘My Time’. As a consequence, I can imagine 5 years (one-sixth of My Time) into the future in Great Detail and plan accordingly. To a 7 year old child, 5 years is an inconceivable, abstract thing because it is more than two-thirds of its Time. Now, Imagine how far ahead a person can see, If they were 3000 years old- That’s just the tip of the iceberg in the foresight of gods!

They knew that if Project Summit were allowed to continue uninterrupted, Man would evolve a little too quickly for their own agendas. The Babylon Assault can be likened to a computer virus that corrupted the minds of people and affected their language acquisition and language processing centers. But it wasn’t about the TOWER…not really.

It was about the threat that a single-minded majority poses to established power structures. It was the first recorded case of “divide and conquer”! That is pretty obvious but what is NOT so obvious is the answer to the question of Why? Why did they decide that Language is the best way to get people to scatter? Why not just scatter them over the surface of the earth, for instance?


Well, to begin with, a people scattered can still band together after several years. But a people who do NOT understand each other do NOT trust each other. As long as there is an innate distrust of others, they can not come together for any length of time to achieve anything worthwhile. However, the reasons for targeting the Language in particular is a lot more profound than this. I will explain.

First, I need you to understand that “Language” as a concept didn’t even exist before Babylon. Everyone just spoke and everyone understood. It was a normal thing that people never thought about because there was never any need to. In fact, I could take it one step further and say No one ever had to say anything to be understood. Humans communicated preverbally. Intentions were bare and obvious without the need for speech.

With the introduction of language, an entire new layer is added to the process of imagination, communication and by extension, to reality itself. Think about it: imagine that you could read minds. What exactly would you be reading? would the minds lay bare like an open book with words written on it? Or maybe you think this would translate in practice to hearing the thoughts of other people like sounds in your mind. But what exactly would you be hearing? What if you were reading the mind of a Chinese but you don’t speak mandarin, what then? You need to understand that the phrase “read minds” already presupposes something to be read: words, language. And that presupposition was your first mistake. There’s good news though: this mistake can be corrected.

Now, imagine that the ability to “read minds” were not some unique ability that you possess. Imagine that you belong to a race of psychics; let’s call them ‘HOMO PSYCHE’. Homo psyche probably never needed to utter a single word in all their life. They may make sounds that amount to yells of pain and screams of joy but conversation would consist mostly of mental images projected into the mind of another person in rapid succession. Language would simply hinder that process.

Language would be a redundancy, a bottleneck; an extra layer of computation that slows down the communication process. But that isn’t all it affects. Language also affects the innate ability to imagine. It puts that extra layer of hindrance in the minds eye. When you think words in your mind, words like “I need to buy groceries tomorrow” for instance, you had to convert the concept into words subconsciously, then those words ring in your mind before you then automatically translate them into concepts again: talk about redundancy!

This is what needs to happen EVERYTIME you talk to yourself. Language created the concept of ‘The Other’. Language made it real and visceral. Language made imagination a little bit harder. Language made doubt possible.

