The Sphider
5 min readJul 27, 2021


There are many angels, more demons and countless other entities in between that hierarchy, but most of them don’t concern themselves with you and neither should you. You probably already read various spiritual texts by now, so you doubt I can tell you anything that you do not already know. You are wrong. I’m familiar with those books: Kabballah, Zohar, Kyballion and of course there’s the popular collection of redacted files; Holy Bible. Humans! The ones among you who mean well, are truly dumb. The few who know better are conceited. I know what you are thinking: I am conceited too, I’m a really proud fellow but then again, I’m barely human. This is the story of the times that no one remembers anymore. The story of the super-humans AKA NEPHILIM.

A Negroid rendition of the mythical Nephilim

Long before civilization, an order of angels was placed at the threshold of heaven and earth. Their job was to watch over mankind, this earned them their nick-name; Watchers. They were the least respected among angels back then. The others ridiculed them, called them babysitters. No one ever imagined that they would amount to much. Then one day, they grew bored, and the babysitters began to abuse the babies. They took mortal form, mated with humans and something new was born. Their children had the power of angels and the free will of humans. They could do as they pleased and Boy! did they? Those petulant offspring of freedom and grace. It was so easy to fall in love with them, like cute little tiger cubs…until the cubs grew up.

Then disaster began- the Nephilim were faster, stronger, more devious than average humans. Many of them even had supernatural powers, and for the first time, Mankind ran the risk of extinction. Unlike the dinosaurs though, it wouldn’t be caused by an errant meteorite. Soon, a rumor began to circulate in the supernatural circles, that The Self-Existent Himself, would wipe the slate clean. Now, contrary to popular belief, not all the Nephilim were evil. In fact, many of them were heroes of old. Their exploits gave rise to the native legends of modern civilizations.

Threshold of Heaven and Earth.

Before the flood, the Faithful among the Nephilim assembled to appeal before the Self Existent, at the Threshold of Heaven and Earth. They hoped to convince the Most High to spare their lives. No one has heard from them ever since. The dangerous ones were wiped out in the flood but the faithful 62 were left in suspended animation (yeah! We invented that shit). Until a time when Mankind had technology, highly developed enough for them to stand a chance against these supernatural hybrids. Today, the children of the Nephilim walk among you, and there is no telling what they MIGHT do. My name is Eury Elaq, and I was there when it all happened.

CHAPTER 1| 12:52am September 29, 2029| Lagos, Nigeria.

It was a desolate night. A sickly moon glowed in the barren sky, giving Benjamin the single companion who would never desert him…his shadow. He could still feel the presence behind him. That looming figure had been following him for three blocks straight, yet he didn’t hear any footsteps.

Ben quickened his pace as he approached the alley on Oluronbi street. A huge black rat crouched in the middle of the sidewalk. It rose on its hind-legs, a half-eaten cockroach struggling in its mouth.

Ben’s heart skipped a beat, he froze in mid-step. The rat stared at him with bloated red eyes, then it scurried away into the gutter.

Ben had never been afraid of rats. If anything, he considered them a nuisance, not a threat. Why then did he freeze when he saw this one? As he entered the alley, he was dragged violently into the present by the acrid stench of rotten fish and aged vegetables.

“Reality is that which if you stopped believing in it, does not go away” ,he thought; now, where the hell did I read that?!

It didn’t matter anyway. The only thing that mattered was that he had to escape this stalker. He tried to tell himself that he was just being paranoid. Afterall, this was Marina; the most boring place in New Lagoon. Nothing sensational ever happens in Marina, least of all murder! No! No one is about to kill him in this alley tonight.

But then again, Reality is that which does not go away when you stop believing in it. The stalker won’t disappear just because you stopped believing he is real!

“You don’t belong here,” a voice said.

Benjamin scanned the shadows and saw a homeless man huddled beside the overflowing waste bin. The stench of refuse seemed to intensify and ben was filled with sympathy for the man who took the bin as refuge.

He stared at Ben with drowsy eyes as though he expected a reply, then without warning, his jaw fell slack, his eyes widened to their limits and with a trembling arm, he pointed at something behind Ben.

“He’s right you know”, said the Stalker “You don’t belong here or anywhere else for that matter, HELLSPAWN!” His voice thundered with unnatural authority.

Ben’s mouth went dry. The hair on his skin stood on edge. He felt a primal urge to run away but instead, he turned around slowly. He looked up just in time to realize, that this figure, tracking him like a hungry bird of prey, was no man.

His eyes glowed with ancient fury. He stood in mid-air as if supported by invisible strings. He held fire in his right hand like a weapon, and came charging with military might at the poor teenager. The flash of flames cast the shadow of a huge pair of wings on the walls behind him, but ben saw no plumage on his attacker’s shoulder.

He tried to scream, his throat felt like ashes, his shirt was burning. Is this how it ends? Is this how I die? At the hands of a stranger; a strange stranger, like a snake in an eagle’s shadow, or…or a cockroach, in the jaws of a red-eyed rat!

/Writers take artistic license in re-writing popular myths and history. It is not intended to be taken seriously. It is fiction afterall- Isn’t It? See you in Chapter 2 XOXO: #TheSphiderSpinsATaleOfThrillAndMystery/

